Smoke Rise Field Club, Inc Operating Policy

Updated 04/22/24


Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Any unsafe conditions observed with respect to the facilities and/or equipment should be promptly reported to the Club Manager or Operations Vice President. Members should take responsibility for ensuring that fellow shooters follow all safety rules. Safety infractions should immediately be pointed out.

Eye and ear protection are mandatory for all persons while participating or observing anywhere on the shooting courses. Earmuffs are encouraged when firing all center fire rifles and pistols.

Trap, Skeet, 5-Stand, And Sporting Clays

  • Shotguns shall not be loaded until the shooter has completely entered the shooting station or position, and the gun barrel is pointed down range.
  • No more than two shells may be loaded in the gun at one time. Shooter must ensure that the gun is unloaded prior to leaving the shooting position.
  • Breeches and actions must remain open at all times when in hand, and the shooter is out of the shooting station.
  • Break actions may be closed in a gun rack but the bolt of a semi-automatic must be open in a rack.
  • Shot shell pellet size larger than number 7 ½ is prohibited for all shooting activities.
  • Members and guests are prohibited from accessing traps and related equipment. All trap maintenance, “clearing,” and adjustments are restricted to the Staff.
  • The Shooting Committee has the responsibility to design course layouts and target presentations on all shooting courses/venues. Any recommendations, course changes or trap relocation require approval of the Club Safety Officer and his subsequent inspection upon completion. All venue modifications will be performed by, and/or under the supervision of the Club Safety Officer and the Club staff.
  • Maximum number of shooters is 5 for 5-Stand, 6 for FITASC, and 7 for Miller’s Madness or Scrap.

Pistol Range

  • The Pistol Range is provided for Smoke Rise Members and their Accompanied Guests only.
  • The first shooter on the range will be designated the Range Master. Shooting will commence and cease on his or her command.
  • All weapons will be unloaded prior to any activity downrange with actions, cylinders or breaches open and empty.
  • In the event of a jam or malfunction, a shooter must call for a cease fire and safely deal with the problem while pointing the muzzle down range.
  • There are to be no more than two active shooters on the Pistol Range at one time, and they must use the designated firing line.
  • Shots are to be taken at paper or reactive metal targets only. Target ammo only will be used on metal targets. High-performance self-defense or hunting ammo will be used only on paper targets.
  • .22 caliber rim fire rifles are permitted on the Pistol Range. All rules above apply.
  • Magnum pistols, or heavy-caliber, open-sight, short-range, hunting rifles are permitted only after notifying the Club Manager, Range Master, and other shooters/observers in order to further protect hearing. Such weapons shall be fired at paper targets only.
  • Police all spent brass and place it in the receptacle provided.
  • Fully automatic weapons are prohibited.

Rifle Range

  • The Rifle Range is provided as a convenience to Smoke Rise Members and their Accompanied Guests only for the shooting of hunting and target rifles only.
  • Shotgun usage is the priority at Smoke Rise.
  • Rifle Range use shall be scheduled with the Club Manager/Range Safety Officer whose discretion is absolute.
  • Each scheduled session shall be limited to a maximum of 10 shots.
  • Any weapon which can be configured to fire in a “fully automatic mode” is prohibited. The Club Manager must approve all rifles and ammunition to be shot. His discretion is absolute.
  • All rifles will be unloaded prior to any activity downrange.
  • There is to be only one active rifle shooter on the range at a time, and he or she must use the designated firing line.
  • Target stands are designed to use 18″ x 14″ paper targets. Shots are to be taken at paper targets mounted in the designated target stands only.
  • Typical hunting or target ammunition only will be used: No non-typical ammo such as armor-piercing, steel core, tracer, or incendiary rounds are allowed.

At all times, Members shall exhibit civility towards other Members and Staff, and respect for the environment of the Club.

Honor System

The Club operates on an honor system. Shooters must keep track of the number of extra targets shot and pay for them when settling their account at the end of the day. More than two show birds per station for each squad should be included as extra targets.

Shooting Rotation

If other Members are waiting to shoot a particular venue, those Members on the course shall limit their shooting to one round and then defer to the waiting squad. They can then join in the rotation until their turn comes up again in the rotation.


Gratuities for trappers are encouraged and should be commensurate with the service provided.

Alcoholic Beverages

Persons shall not be permitted to consume any alcoholic beverages prior to shooting.

Inappropriate Behavior

Profanity, rude behavior, and open displays of anger will not be tolerated at the Club facility. The Club Manager may require the offending person to leave the premises. Members shall not reprimand Club employees directly for any reason. Complaints of employee performance or behavior are to be directed to the Club Manager, Operations Vice President, or President.


Shooting Hours and Days of Operation

The Club is open year-round from Tuesday through Saturday. Primary shooting days will be Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, skeet and trap will be open, on request, for Members only–please call ahead to give the staff time to open up the range. No trapper will be provided–self-trapping only.

All shooting must end by 4:00 pm for sporting clays and 5-stand, and 4:30 pm for trap and skeet. This will allow time for the staff to close down the range before 5:00 pm.

From November 1 to April 1, the Club will be open during regular hours, unless the Club Manager decides to close early due to the weather, or lack of Member participation. Therefore, from November 1 to April 1, if there is any question as to the weather conditions at the Club, Members and guests must call and confirm their attendance to ensure the Club staff will be present and the Club will be open. On fair weather days, Members and guests requesting use of the Club after 1:00 pm must call the Club to confirm their attendance. The Club Manager will give preference to Members on such days in the Club Manager’s sole discretion. The Club Manager will have the right to keep the Club open, or close the Club, in the Club Manager’s sole judgment and discretion, during the November 1 to April 1 dates.


Use of the Club facilities is subject to the rules and regulations of the Club. Smoking is prohibited inside the clubhouse. Pets are not permitted inside the clubhouse or on the deck at any time. Dogs brought to the Club will be the responsibility of the owner. Should a Member complain about the dog’s behavior, it will be required that the dog be leashed. The Club will require a Hold Harmless agreement from the owner assuming all liability for their dog.

Non-Shooting Related Functions

Any Member in good standing may rent the Club facilities for non-shooting related functions such as receptions and group parties. The sponsoring Member must submit a written request to the Board at least thirty (30) days prior to the function. The request shall state the nature of the gathering, the expected attendance, and what Club resources are required for the gathering. A fee will be charged as determined by the Board. Any extra salary or other costs will be charged as incurred.

Inappropriate Activity

The Board may prohibit any entertainment, games, or sporting events, which it considers prejudicial to the best interest of the Club.


The Club provides shooting carts for use by Members while shooting Sporting Clays. The current charge for a cart for a round of Sporting is $10.00 per person. Members will not be charged for the use of a cart for transport to the skeet/five stand fields only but may be shuttled if carts are in short supply for the sporting course.

Operation of golf carts is restricted to the designated roadways. The use of carts is at the operator’s own risk. Operation of a cart in a careless or reckless manner will not be tolerated. The Club assumes no liability for any injuries occurring as a result of improper or negligent operation of carts. Only a licensed driver may operate carts.

Members who have their carts on the premises for their use only must sign a “hold harmless” agreement and pay an annual fee for cart storage, removal, and routine battery charging or “gassing up.” The Club is not responsible for any maintenance of a Member-owned cart.

Members are encouraged to “sell” their “owned carts” to the Club. In this case, the Member(s) will not be charged for cart use or storage and will have the first call on their “own cart” by simply calling the Club on the day(s) they plan to shoot. The Club will be responsible for liability and theft insurance and all maintenance, gas, batteries, etc. A copy of the sale agreement is available in the Club office.


Parking spaces adjacent to the skeet and trap field are intended for carts. On occasion, these spaces may be used for car parking and while not marked as handicapped spaces, should be reserved for members with physical limitations.

Guest Instructors

A guest instructor must be invited by a Member to provide lessons.

Lessons will be scheduled to minimize disruption to member shooting. Instruction is allowed at any time the club is open but must be coordinated in advance with the Club Manager and Operations VP. At least one SRFC member must be enrolled as a student each day, and SRFC members will be given preference in signing up for instruction each day.

Any person providing instruction must carry general liability insurance and provide the club a certificate of insurance naming the club as an additional insured before beginning any lessons.

During instruction, the instructor must not block Members who are waiting to shoot a stand or venue (like 5 stand). Members should be allowed to shoot through after a reasonable wait.

Each student should pay for an additional 25 targets per hour of instruction to cover club expenses for extra “show birds” which are significantly higher during instruction.

Guest instructors are expected to sign the normal SRFC release of liability form.

If there are any unforeseen issues arising from this policy or the actual instruction itself, the Club Manager shall have the final decision to resolve such issues.


No commercial advertisements or notices or political literature shall be posted or circulated on Club premises unless approved by a Board Member. This will not apply to items posted on bulletin boards by Members.


Solicitations of any kind are prohibited except those in relation to charitable, community, or wildlife preservation events authorized by the Board.

Removal Of Property

No property of the Club shall be removed from the premises without the written permission of the President or Operations Vice President.

Accompanied Guests

Members may bring guests to the Club for use of Club facilities. Each guest will be limited to five (5) visits per calendar year, except individuals residing in Transylvania, Jackson, Henderson, Buncombe, Haywood, Macon, Oconee, Greenville, and Pickens Counties, will be limited to two (2) visits per calendar year.

Unaccompanied Guests

The Club, at its discretion, may allow a shooter who has been invited to shoot at the club by a Member but is not accompanied by that Member to use the facilities. This privilege is limited to two (2) visits per calendar year.

Unsponsored Guests

The Club, at its discretion, may allow a shooter who is not a guest of a Member to use the facilities at premium fees. This privilege is limited to two (2) visits per calendar year.


Charge accounts for shooting, ammunition, or other items are not permitted.  Payment methods are cash, personal check, credit card, or automatic clearing house (ACH).


Dues shall be mailed the first week of January and are due when submitted.  Dues must be paid by March 1.  The Treasurer will circulate the status of Dues payments by February 15 to the Board of Directors so that they can assist in ensuring payment of Dues.  Dues paid after March 1 will be considered past due and will incur a 10% penalty.  Dues (including past due penalty) not paid by April 1 will result in automatic termination of membership.

Notice of Delinquency

On the delinquency date, March 31, the Treasurer will mail an overdue statement to the delinquent Member with a note that the member’s club privileges are suspended until the past due amount is paid, plus penalty.  Notice of potential Membership termination will also be clearly stated in the correspondence.

Club Manager’s Responsibility

The Treasurer will provide the Club Manager with a list of delinquent members.  The Board has directed the Club Manager that if a delinquent member arrives at the club, the Club Manager will notify the Member that he or she cannot use Club facilities until the past due amount is paid.

Unusual Circumstances

In the case of unusual circumstances, for example if a Member notifies the Club of a serious illness, the Board authorizes the Treasurer to exercise discretion in issuing delinquency notices of termination letters.


A member resigning in arrears may not use the Club in any manner until the amount in arrears is paid.  If a member is terminated or resigns and then wishes to rejoin, he or she must pay the amount in arrears when he or she resigned as well as the new initiation fee at the time.


Bank Accounts

The following officers shall have transaction authority on the Operating Funds Checking Account and Money Market Saving Account:

  • President
  • Vice President of Club Operations
  • Treasurer

Club Credit Card and Manager’s Checking Account

The following will have transaction authority on the Club Credit Card and Manager’s Checking Account:

  • Vice President of Club Operations
  • Treasurer
  • Club Manager

Brokerage Accounts

The following officers shall have transaction authority on the Brokerage Account:

  • President
  • Vice President of Club Operations
  • Treasurer